The theme for 2023 kidney world day commemoration was ‘Prepare for the unexpected,
while protecting the vulnerable’.
Mediland stall was a site to view. We presented one of our technologies/products that focus
or excels on identifying and monitoring patients with risk of developing kidney disease, we
presented Afinion 2 analyser from Abbott. You may remember this product as it was also
presented last November, year 2022 at Mahalapye during world diabetes day commemoration. Afinion 2 can run four tests (HbA1c, ACR, CRP, and Lipid profile). This time we focused on
Urine Albumin to Creatinine Ration (ACR).
The theme for 2023 kidney world day commemoration was ‘Prepare for the unexpected, while protecting the vulnerable’. The world kidney day was commemorated at block 6 clinic here in Gaborone on the 9th of March 2023. The day started at 0600 with a walk from the clinic
to CBD and back of which Mediland staff was a part of.
Urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR), also known as urine microalbumin, helps identify kidney disease that can occur as a complication of diabetes. If kidney disease is diagnosed early in people with diabetes, appropriate treatment can be given and its effects can be closely monitored. This means a person’s ACR level should be checked as soon as diabetes is
diagnosed. It should also be measured each year, or more frequently, if your ACR level is significantly raised. If you have a slightly raised ACR level, you may have early-stage kidney disease.
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